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Activity: Health, Fitness, and Performance
Faculty of Kinesiology
KN - Faculty of Kinesiology
KNES - Kinesiology
Fundamentals of exercise physiology are used in a variety of theoretically supported activities to experience the benefits of exercise and an understanding of exercise prescription and evaluation.
Prerequisite(s): Biology 30 or 212; and Chemistry 30 or 212.
Notes: Students are responsible for completing a Get Active Questionnaire (GAQ -- formerly PAR-Q) and obtain medical clearance if required.
Prerequisite(s): Biology 30 or 212; and Chemistry 30 or 212.
Notes: Students are responsible for completing a Get Active Questionnaire (GAQ -- formerly PAR-Q) and obtain medical clearance if required.
Course Attributes
Fee Rate Group(Domestic) - A, Fee Rate Group(International) -A, GFC Hours (2-2)
Courses may consist of a Lecture, Lab, Tutorial, and/or Seminar. Students will be required to register in each component that is required for the course as indicated in the schedule of classes. Practicums, internships or other experiential learning modalities are typically indicated as a Lab component.
Repeat for Credit
Subject code
Understanding Course Information
Please refer to Course Terminology and Description to better understand how to interpret course information such as GFC hours, prerequisites, course levels, etc.
Note that not all courses are offered every term or every year. Please refer to the schedule of classes or Schedule Builder to see active class offerings.