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Foundations of Bioinformatics
Graduate Science Education (O)
MD - Cumming School of Medicine
MDGE - Medical Graduate Education
An exploration of the algorithmic foundations of established and emerging bioinformatics techniques, spanning dynamic programming, stochastic processes, probabilistic modelling, Bayesian inference, machine learning, and other topics from computational statistics. Big versus small data, divergent philosophical perspectives, and recent controversies in genomics are addressed through in-class discussions, current literature, and self-directed workshops.
Prerequisite(s): Admission to the Bioinformatics specialization of the Biochemistry and Molecular Biology graduate program; or some computational background including programming or scripting ability and consent of the faculty.
Also known as: (formerly Medical Science 679)
Prerequisite(s): Admission to the Bioinformatics specialization of the Biochemistry and Molecular Biology graduate program; or some computational background including programming or scripting ability and consent of the faculty.
Also known as: (formerly Medical Science 679)
Course Attributes
Fee Rate Group(Domestic) - A, Fee Rate Group(International) -B, GFC Hours (1-0)
Courses may consist of a Lecture, Lab, Tutorial, and/or Seminar. Students will be required to register in each component that is required for the course as indicated in the schedule of classes. Practicums, internships or other experiential learning modalities are typically indicated as a Lab component.
Repeat for Credit
Subject code
Understanding Course Information
Please refer to Course Terminology and Description to better understand how to interpret course information such as GFC Hours, pre-requisites, course levels, etc.