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F.1.3 Flexible Grade Option (CG Grade)

The University of Calgary offers a flexible grade option, Credit Granted (CG) to support student’s breadth of learning and student wellness. Courses using the CG grade will count toward degree requirements but, will not have any impact on a student’s grade point average (GPA). The CG grade will appear on student’s transcript when applied to a course as the final grade.


  • A maximum of 9 units may be taken over an entire degree program with a CG grade

  • To opt for the CG grade, students must:

  • Be admitted to a degree program

  • Be in good academic standing to opt for the CG grade

  • Achieve a minimum final grade of "C-" or above 


  • The CG grade will not be allowed in some graduate programs or courses.

  • A maximum of 3 units may be taken for a CG grade over an entire graduate program. Students enrolled in laddered pathways may only have a grade of CG for a total of 3 units throughout the entire laddered pathway.

  • To opt for the CG grade, graduate students must:

  • Be enrolled in a graduate program that allows CG grades. (Note that courses taken extra-to-program may be eligible for CG grades.)

  • Be in good academic standing

  • Achieve a minimum final grade of "B-" or above

General Guidelines

The deadline to request a CG grade is two weeks after the last day of term in which the course is offered. Late CG designations will not be approved once the deadline has passed. Students who were found to have engaged in academic misconduct will not be eligible to receive the CG grade in the course for which the academic misconduct occurred.

Faculty units or programs may have additional requirements or restrictions for the use of the CG grade at the faculty, degree or program level. Please see the Faculty sections in the Academic Calendars for additional requirements or contact your program directly. Students in a combined degree or double major in two different faculties, must consult with both faculties to receive approval for a CG grade.

Where the CG grade option has been requested and the minimum requirements are not met, the grade for the course as reported by the course instructor, will be recorded on the transcript.

Courses graded with a CG will be counted towards degree requirements, and may be used as prerequisites. The courses/units associated with a CG will be included in the annual academic review process, but will not be used for GPA calculation in the review. In certain cases, courses/units may not be counted towards academic honours and awards.

Use of the CG grade may impact a student’s eligibility for Dean’s list, Honours degree, grants, scholarships or other academic awards as determined by each faculty or program.

Students enrolled in exchange programs must consult the home faculty for eligibility and approval of the CG grade.

Students who plan to apply for a change of program, graduate and/or professional programs should consult with the program admission requirements to determine how the CG will be used. Students should be aware that some institutions and programs may not recognize courses with the CG grade option.

Students who have received grants or scholarships from the University of Calgary or external agencies should consult with the grant or scholarship terms to understand the impact of the CG on scholarship criteria (application and renewal requirements). Given the significance of course marks at the graduate level, students are encouraged to discuss their decision to opt for a CG grade with their supervisors and/or Graduate Program Directors.

CG Grade for Deferral of Final Exam or Deferral of Term Work

Students who are approved for a deferral of final exam or deferral of term work may be eligible to apply for the CG when meeting the minimum requirements outlined by each faculty unit or graduate program. If approved, the CG grade will be posted to the transcript within 30 days of approval.

Use of the CG grade may impact the ability to meet deadlines to use the course for a prerequisite, change of program, graduation, Dean’s list, awards and scholarships, and academic review or graduate standing.

Students who complete a deferred final exam will be eligible to apply for CG within two business days of the DFE grade posted. Students who have applied to graduate may be deferred to the following convocation.

F.1.1 Undergraduate Grading System
F.1.2 Graduate Studies Grading System
F.1.3 Flexible Grade Option (CG Grade)

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The University of Calgary, located in the heart of Southern Alberta, both acknowledges and pays tribute to the traditional territories of the peoples of Treaty 7, which include the Blackfoot Confederacy (comprised of the Siksika, the Piikani, and the Kainai First Nations), the Tsuut’ina First Nation, and the Stoney Nakoda (including Chiniki, Bearspaw, and Goodstoney First Nations). The City of Calgary is also home to the Métis Nation of Alberta (districts 5 and 6).

The University of Calgary is situated on land Northwest of where the Bow River meets the Elbow River, a site traditionally known as Moh’kins’tsis to the Blackfoot, Wîchîspa to the Stoney Nakoda, and Guts’ists’i to the Tsuut’ina. On this land and in this place we strive to learn together, walk together, and grow together “in a good way.”

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