A.13.1 International Baccalaureate (IB) Program
The University of Calgary awards up to a full year of transfer credit (30 units) for the completed International Baccalaureate diploma. Specific advanced standing or placement for Higher Level courses are awarded provided a minimum grade of "5" or higher is achieved. The balance of credit (including credit for Higher Level courses with grades below "5") required to bring the total to 30 units will be at the junior unassigned option level. In the case of advanced credit, a grade of "CR" will be recorded on the student's record.
Applicants who have not completed the diploma will receive advanced standing or placement as set out below for each Higher Level course completed with a grade of "5" or above. Junior unassigned option credit beyond that set out below is not available to students who do not complete the full IB diploma. Official IB transcripts are required as part of the evaluation process.
Students awarded advanced credit or advanced placement for IB courses should consult their faculty regarding course selection. Note that if advanced credit is awarded for a 200-level course that is a prerequisite for a 300-level course, students will be permitted to enter the 300-level course in first year.
Higher level IB courses approved for advanced credit or advanced placement are available on the website: https://ucalgary.ca/future-students/undergraduate/transfer-credit/high-school.
A.13.1 International Baccalaureate (IB) Program
A.13.2 Advanced Placement (AP) Program
A.13.3 General Certificate of Education - Advanced Levels