5.6.1 Doctor of Medicine - Regulations Pertaining to Progression in the Program
a) The pre-clerkship portion of the curriculum consists of 3 Blocks of Study. Students must be deemed to be satisfactory on each block of study by the Competency Committee to progress to the next block in the pre-clerkship curriculum. Students who are deemed satisfactory with performance deficiencies can progress to the next block with a requirement for mandatory remedial work. Students who are deemed to have an unsatisfactory standing on a block will be required to repeat this block. Students who have requirements pending, such as deferred or rewrite examinations at the time of the end of block competency committee meeting, may receive a conditional recommendation from the competency committee and will be allowed to continue in the program until exams have been completed on the scheduled dates for deferrals and rewrites. If pending examinations are not completed at or above the minimal recommended performance level, a new recommendation may be made by the competency committee. If too many assessment pieces are missing at the time of the competency committee meeting, the committee may choose to defer making a recommendation for that student until more information is available. At the completion of Block 3, the competency committee will determine which students are promoted to clerkship. Some students may be required to complete additional remedial work prior to starting clerkship.
b) Students will be given two attempts at each Block of Study in the pre-clerkship portion of the MD program. A student who is required to repeat a block for academic or professional reasons must be successful on the second attempt or will be required to withdraw.
c) Students will be given two attempts of completion of clerkship in the MD program. A student who is required to repeat clerkship for academic or professional reasons, must be successful on the second attempt or will be required to withdraw.