Q.1.5 Policy and Regulations

Undergraduate awards are distributed equitably among the most deserving students, and adhere to the terms of reference.

If a student is granted an award, the University of Calgary reserves the right to release pertinent recipient information to award donors, high schools, provincial funding bodies, University of Calgary faculty and administrative offices and public news agents. Specific information may be used by the university for promotional purposes.

Award recipients who no longer meet the program/registration/course load requirements, due to extenuating circumstances, may wish to submit an official awards appeal. Contact Undergraduate Awards directly by email: ucawards@ucalgary.ca.

Students with incomplete grades are not considered for awards.

The University of Calgary assumes liability for the payment of scholarships, bursaries, prizes and other awards only to the extent that gifts from donors or returns from investments for these purposes will permit.

Q.1.1 Types of Awards and Requirements
Q.1.2 Awards Application Procedure
Q.1.3 Award Eligibility
Q.1.4 Award Payment Information
Q.1.5 Policy and Regulations
Q.1.6 Award Competitions
Q.1.7 Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Awards
Q.1.8 Faculty of Law Awards
Q.1.9 Cumming School of Medicine Awards
Q.1.10 Athletic Awards
Q.1.11 Awards for Graduating Students