A.14 Admission Appeals

Admission to the University of Calgary is competitive. Meeting the minimum admission requirements outlined in this Calendar does not guarantee admission.

Admission decisions may not be appealed. Inquiries related to calendar regulations or admission requirements may be directed to the Admissions Office.

Applicants who have experienced exceptional circumstances that have impacted their academic record may apply under the Equitable and Inclusive Admission Process outlined in section A.10 Equitable and Inclusive Admission Process by the application deadlines.

If a student’s circumstances change after the application deadline, contact the Associate Registrar, Information, Recruitment and Admissions (apchange@ucalgary.ca) for assistance. Change of circumstances will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis by the Associate Registrar, Information, Recruitment and Admissions and the Associate Dean of the Faculty to which the student is applying.

Students admitted to the Cumming School of Medicine (MD program), Veterinary Medicine, and Law, please see the faculty website for admission appeal information.

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