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5.6.4 Doctor of Medicine - Clerkship Regulations: Specific Expectations and Requirements

The final 18 months is called the Clerkship. The total period of studies in the Clinical Clerkship constitutes 60 weeks. During this time, students work full time in clinical environments, including but not limited to hospital wards, ambulatory care clinics, doctors’ offices, emergency departments and operating rooms.

All students will be required to spend a minimum of 4 weeks in rural/regional sites in Southern Alberta learning Family Medicine as well as some specialties.

Students entering clerkship prior to January 2025:

a) A student with an unsatisfactory standing overall in one clerkship rotation will be presented to the Clerkship Committee for that rotation for review. The Clerkship Committee will provide a recommendation, which may include, but is not limited to, rewrite of examination only, remedial work plus rewrite of examination, or repeat of rotation including rewrite of examination, to the Associate Dean UME who will determine the final outcome.

b) A student with an unsatisfactory standing on 2 MCQ (multiple choice question) evaluations (for 2 different clerkship rotations) will be required to meet with the Associate Dean.

c) A student with an unsatisfactory standing on 1 summative ITER (In-training evaluation report) and 1 MCQ examinations for the same rotation will be required to appear before SARC.

d) A student with an unsatisfactory standing on 3 MCQ examinations (in three different clerkship rotations) will be required to appear before SARC.

e) A student with an unsatisfactory standing on 2 Summative ITERs (in different clerkship rotations) will be required to appear before SARC.

f) A student with an unsatisfactory standing on 1 Summative ITER and 2 MCQ examinations (in different clerkship rotations) will be required to appear before SARC.

g) A student with an unsatisfactory standing on 1 Summative ITER followed by 1 Summative Remedial ITER (in the same clerkship rotation) will be required to appear before SARC.

NOTE: For the purposes of the above regulations, the Clerkship OSCE (Objective Structured Clinical Evaluations) exam and Elective rotation ITERs counts as a summative ITER.

Students entering clerkship January 2025 and onward:

Students are required to successfully complete all required courses with satisfactory ITERs, satisfactory performance on MCQ and OSCE examinations in Medicine (MDCN) 561, 563, 565. Students who are unsatisfactory on any component, are required to successfully complete the remediation prescribed by the relevant clerkship committee or clerkship competence committee, including but not limited to appearance at SARC in accordance with the SARC Terms of Reference.

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The University of Calgary, located in the heart of Southern Alberta, both acknowledges and pays tribute to the traditional territories of the peoples of Treaty 7, which include the Blackfoot Confederacy (comprised of the Siksika, the Piikani, and the Kainai First Nations), the Tsuut’ina First Nation, and the Stoney Nakoda (including Chiniki, Bearspaw, and Goodstoney First Nations). The City of Calgary is also home to the Métis Nation of Alberta (districts 5 and 6).

The University of Calgary is situated on land Northwest of where the Bow River meets the Elbow River, a site traditionally known as Moh’kins’tsis to the Blackfoot, Wîchîspa to the Stoney Nakoda, and Guts’ists’i to the Tsuut’ina. On this land and in this place we strive to learn together, walk together, and grow together “in a good way.”

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