Honorary Degrees (HD and OTUC) and Emeriti

Honorary Degree (HD) Recipients

Honorary Degrees from The University of Calgary are conferred upon the authorization of the University's Senate, a body of community and University representatives established under the Universities Act.

Anyone may nominate a candidate for an honorary degree and nominations are accepted year-round. Normally excluded from consideration are those currently holding elected office, as well as current members of the University community.

Full details, including nomination forms and a list of recipients, may be obtained from the Senate Office.

Fax: 403.284.9524
Email: senate@ucalgary.ca
Location: Administration Building, A164
Website: ucalgary.ca/chancellorandsenate/honours/honorary-degrees

Members of the Order of the University of Calgary (OTUC)

The Order of The University of Calgary was established to honour individuals who have made distinguished contributions to the University or contributions to the community that bring honour to the University. Faculty, staff, students, alumni and volunteers are eligible to be inducted into The Order of the University of Calgary; thus, the University family is able to acknowledge its own members.

Full details, including nomination forms and a list of recipients, may be obtained from the Senate Office.

Fax: 403.284.9524
Email: senate@ucalgary.ca
Location: Administration Building, A164
Website: ucalgary.ca/chancellorandsenate/honours/order-university-calgary

Chancellors Emeriti

For a list of former chancellors, see: ucalgary.ca/chancellorandsenate/chancellor/former-chancellors.

Presidents Emeriti

For a list of former presidents, see: ucalgary.ca/president/about-office/former-presidents.

Faculty Emeriti

A current list of Professors Emeriti can be found at: ucalgary.ca/hr/work-compensation/labour-relations/academic-labour-relations/emeritus.

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