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3.3.1 Schulich School of Engineering - Complementary Studies

The following six complementary studies courses are required for all students(1,2,3,4,5,6) in the School:

(a) Engineering 209 (Economics 209)(1,2,3,4,6) - not open to first-year students

(b) Engineering 481

(c) Engineering 213 or Communications Studies 363(5)

(d) Engineering 513

(e) Two general complementary studies courses (see below) are required for all programs except in the following cases:

  • Students enrolled in Sustainable Systems Engineering (with the exception of BSc (Engineering)/BComm students) or the Biomedical Engineering Minor (with the exception of Chemical Engineering students) are required to take one general complementary studies course.

  • For the Chemical Engineering Programs, students are required to take three general complementary studies courses.(2)

Note inclusions to the list of acceptable general complementary courses for specific programs:

  • Energy Management 301, which is required in the Energy and Environment Minor, counts as a general complementary studies course.

  • For Geomatics Engineering Programs (except for Geomatics with Energy and Environment Minor), Strategy and Global Management 395 may be used as a general complementary studies course.

    (1)Students in Energy Engineering are not required to take Economics/Engineering 209; and Engineering 213 or Communications Studies 363. Students are required to take Engineering 481, Engineering 513, and two general complementary studies courses.

    (2)Students in Chemical Engineering may not use Economics 209 or Engineering 209 as a Complementary Studies course; these students must take three general complementary studies courses.

    (3)Students in Engineering Physics or Sustainable Systems Engineering are required to take Sustainable Systems Engineering 315 in place of Economics/Engineering 209.

    (4)Students in the BSc (Engineering)/BComm program are required to take Economics 201 in place of Economics/Engineering 209 or Sustainable Systems Engineering 315; Economics 203 and one junior-level English course in place of two general complementary studies courses; and Strategy and Global Management 217 in place of Engineering 213 or Communications Studies 363.

    (5)Students in Geomatics Engineering Polytechnic Transfer Pathway are normally not required to take Communications Studies 363 as they receive transfer credit for it.
    (6)Students in Oil and Gas Engineering are required to take only 5 Complementary Studies. They may not use Economics 209 or Engineering 209 as a Complementary Studies course.

General Complementary Studies Courses

General complementary studies courses must be selected from the list of acceptable courses which may also be obtained from the D2L of Engineering Student Centre and via the following link: Students are responsible for ensuring that any prerequisite conditions are satisfied.

To find courses and course descriptions see the Course Search.

All courses in:
African Studies (AFST)
Art History (ARHI)
Canadian Studies (CNST)
Central and East European Studies (CEST)
East Asian Studies (EAST)
English (ENGL)
Film (FILM)
Gender and Sexuality Studies (GSXS)
Global Development Studies (DEST)
Greek and Roman Studies (GRST)
History (HTST)
Indigenous Studies (INDG)
Law and Society (LWSO)
Linguistics (LING)
Philosophy (PHIL)
Political Science (POLI)
Religious Studies (RELS)
Romance Studies (ROST)
South Asian Studies (SAST)
Urban Studies (UBST)

Language courses in:
Arabic Language and Muslim Cultures All 200- and 300-level courses
Chinese All 200- and 300-level courses
French All 200- to 500-level courses
German 200, 202 204, 317, 331, 333, 357*, 359
Greek 201, 203, 301
Italian All 200- and 300-level courses
Japanese All 200- and 300-level courses
Russian All 200- and 300-level courses
Slavic 356
Spanish All 200- and 300-level courses

Selected courses in:


All 200- and 300-level courses


All 200- and 300-level courses except 203, 306


201, 400, 500, 502, 510



Communication and Culture

201, 203, 305, 307

Communication and Media Studies

All 200- and 300-level courses except 363


309, 341, 343, 345


203, 205, 242, 243, 345, 346, 347, 355, 371, 483, 471


All 200- and 300-level courses except 209, 311, 387, 389, 395




204, 254, 308, 324, 326, 328, 330, 352, 354, 430, 432, 452


300, 400, 451

Latin American Studies

All 200- and 300-level courses except 301


201, 203, 205, 207


203, 306, 307, 308, 309


All 200- and 300-level courses except 300, 301, 365, 369, 375


All 200- and 300-level courses except 311, 313, 315

Strategy and Global Management



201, 205

*Pre-approval by the Associate Dean (Student Affairs) is required for any course described as “special topics” or “research topics” for which the content may change from year to year.
**Not permitted for students in the Energy and Environment Minor.

Note: If a course is not included in the above lists please contact the Engineering Student Centre via and include course outlines for consideration. CEAB criterion defines Complementary Studies courses in the areas of humanities, social sciences, arts, languages, management, engineering economics and communications.

Note: For 400- and 500-level courses not listed, please contact the Engineering Student Centre.

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The University of Calgary, located in the heart of Southern Alberta, both acknowledges and pays tribute to the traditional territories of the peoples of Treaty 7, which include the Blackfoot Confederacy (comprised of the Siksika, the Piikani, and the Kainai First Nations), the Tsuut’ina First Nation, and the Stoney Nakoda (including Chiniki, Bearspaw, and Goodstoney First Nations). The City of Calgary is also home to the Métis Nation of Alberta (districts 5 and 6).

The University of Calgary is situated on land Northwest of where the Bow River meets the Elbow River, a site traditionally known as Moh’kins’tsis to the Blackfoot, Wîchîspa to the Stoney Nakoda, and Guts’ists’i to the Tsuut’ina. On this land and in this place we strive to learn together, walk together, and grow together “in a good way.”

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