B.14.2 Withdrawal from a Term

Students may withdraw completely from a term through their Student Centre by the withdraw deadline, provided this is the first withdraw from all courses within the Term. This excludes students in the Faculties of Law, Nursing, the Cumming School of Medicine (BHSc), the Schulich School of Engineering, the Werklund School of Education and students withdrawing from a course a second time.

Law, Nursing, the Cumming School of Medicine (BHSc), the Schulich School of Engineering, the Werklund School of Education and students intending to withdraw from a course a second time who wish to withdraw completely from a term after the registration deadline must obtain permission from their faculty prior to the withdraw deadline. Students should visit their faculty advising office for additional information.

The date a student withdraws from a term is noted on a student’s transcript.

Students in the Faculty of Graduate Studies should refer to the Graduate Studies Calendar sections G.D.5 Withdrawals or G.D.7 Leave of Absence for regulations on withdrawing from a term.

B.14.1 Withdrawal from a Course(s)
B.14.2 Withdrawal from a Term
B.14.3 Extenuating Circumstance Withdrawal

Back to B.14 Withdrawal from Courses and Withdrawal from the Term