Q.3.1.2 Maintaining Previous Loans
Previously borrowed full-time student loans remain interest and payment free while studying full-time, even if student does not borrow subsequent loans. To ensure that interest-free status continues during full-time study, students must provide adequate proof of enrolment to their lenders. This is done by a) having a subsequent full-time loan confirmed by the school; or b) completing confirmation of enrolment for interest-free status completed by the school. Students who require the latter confirmation can visit ucalgary.ca/registrar/finances/student-loans for up to date information on how this can be requested.
Part-time students with previous Alberta student loans may reinstate their Alberta loans to interest-free status by having a paper Form B completed by Enrolment Services (HNSC 220).
Interest-free status can only be confirmed 30 days prior to the start of a study period (with the exception of BC (interest-free status can be confirmed 26 days prior to the start of a study period) and Ontario (interest-free status can be confirmed on the first day of the study period)). Interest-free status can only be requested for a current study period and cannot be completed retroactively.
Q.3.1.1 Loan Confirmation and Disbursements
Q.3.1.2 Maintaining Previous Loans
Q.3.1.3 Loan Repayment