2. Faculty of Science Student Affairs
Undergraduate Science Centre
Location: Science B (SB) 149
Telephone: 403.220.8600
Faculty of Science web page: science.ucalgary.ca/
Undergraduate Science Centre website: science.ucalgary.ca/current-students/undergrad-science-centre
All programs offered by the Faculty of Science are administered by the Undergraduate Science Centre, in collaboration with the six departments within the Faculty and the Directors of the Data Science, Nanoscience, Natural Sciences and Neuroscience programs. Advice on these programs is available in the Undergraduate Science Centre, as well as Department and Program Directors' offices.
General inquiries related to the Faculty Regulations described in 3. Faculty of Science Regulations should be directed to the Undergraduate Science Centre. Specific inquiries related to course requirements, as described in Program Details can be directed to the Undergraduate Science Centre. Information on student advising is given in Program Details.