Navigated to G.1.1 Eligibility to Attend In-Course Assessments, Final Examinations or Final Assessments.
G.1.1 Eligibility to Attend In-Course Assessments, Final Examinations, or Final Assessments
To be eligible to participate in assessments students must adhere to the following:
a. A student must be registered in the course and appear on the official class roster.
b. A student may be refused permission to write or participate in an in-course assessment or final examination or final assessment in a course, on the recommendation of the instructor and with the approval of the Dean or designate.
G.1.1 Eligibility to Attend In-Course Assessments, Final Examinations or Final Assessments
G.1.2 Identification
G.1.3 Conduct During Assessments
G.1.4 Rights to Accommodation