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3.3 Werklund School of Education - Student Standing and Academic Review

Students will have an Academic Review completed after each Winter Term if they have completed 18 units or more since the previous review. All courses taken since the previous Winter Term will be used, including courses taken at the University of Calgary as well as those taken at other institutions on an approved Letter of Permission. If fewer than 18 units have been completed since the previous review, the review will be conducted the following cycle and will be cumulative over the last two academic years.

All Education students will have their academic standing reviewed after each Fall and Winter Term while in their Education coursework.

A student's academic standing may be reviewed at any time at the discretion of the Associate Dean. The Associate Dean may permit a student to continue in program under specified conditions or require them to withdraw if specified conditions are not met. Students will be notified of these conditions in writing by the Associate Dean.

Students in the Four-Year Community-Based BEd pathway must submit transcripts by August 1 each year if they have taken any courses outside of the University of Calgary in the previous year, so that an academic review can be performed. Academic review GPA will still be calculated on courses taken up to and including the Winter Term. If transcripts are not received by August 1, future Education (EDUC) course enrolment will be impacted, additional Letter of Permission requests and other program exceptions such as Leave of Absence, may not be approved. The Associate Dean may also follow-up with students missing transcripts to discuss program impacts. Four-Year Community-Based student Academic Reviews will be conducted in August after transcript receipt; all other students will have Reviews conducted in the Spring Term.

Students in the Five-Year BEd (Concurrent) degree program must have completed all their co-degree requirements in order to progress into their EDUC 400-level courses. Students in the Five-Year BEd (Concurrent) degree program will have their standing reviewed using completed courses in their co-degree prior to commencing the Education portion of their degree, to determine if they are eligible to progress to their Education coursework in the subsequent Fall Term. For full details about the progression requirements, students are referred to section 3.4 Progression of this Calendar. They will also have their academic standing reviewed after each Fall and Winter Term while in their Education coursework.

Courses Extra-to-Degree that are taken during the BEd After-Degree program (in non-Education semesters) will be included in Academic Reviews.

Student Standing

Students who have successfully completed all courses with a minimum GPA of 2.50, calculated on a minimum 18 units of courses taken since the student’s last academic review, are considered to be in  good standing.

Students who have achieved a GPA of less than 2.50, calculated on all courses taken since the student’s last academic review, will be:

  • Placed on academic probation, or

  • Required to withdraw from the program

Students are referred to section  F.3.2 Student Performance in Undergraduate Programs in the Academic Regulations section of this Calendar for more information.

Academic Probation

  • A student who has achieved a GPA of at least 2.00 but less than 2.50, calculated based on all courses taken since the student’s last academic review, will be placed on academic probation until their next academic review.

  • A student who has failed a 400- or 500-level Education course in the BEd program, will be placed on academic probation until they have successfully completed the course.

  • Students may only be on academic probation once during their BEd program.

  • Students placed on academic probation will be advised in writing.

Required Withdrawals

  • A student who has achieved a GPA of less than 2.00, calculated based on all courses taken since the student’s last academic review, may be required to withdraw from the BEd program, at the discretion of the Associate Dean. Should the Associate Dean determine that a Required to Withdraw ruling is not warranted, the student will be placed on probation.

  • Four-Year On-Campus pathway students who achieve a GPA of less than 2.00, calculated on all courses taken since the last academic review, may be given the opportunity to participate in the Academic Turnaround program, or face a Required to Withdraw ruling. Students in other Bachelor of Education pathways facing a possible Required to Withdraw ruling based solely on GPA criteria will have their standing reviewed by the Associate Dean, with subsequent ruling issued  in writing.   

  • A student who is on academic probation and has achieved a GPA of less than 2.50, calculated based on all courses taken since the student’s last academic review, is at risk of being required to withdraw from the BEd program. Four-Year On-Campus pathway students may be given the opportunity to participate in the Academic Turnaround Program. Students in other Bachelor of Education pathways will have their standing reviewed by the Associate Dean, with subsequent ruling issued in writing.  

  • Students may be required to withdraw from the BEd program if they have withdrawn from more than 15 units Education (EDUC) courses in the BEd program, with a maximum of 30 units in all courses taken during their Bachelor of Education.

  • A student who receives two or more failing grades in any Education (EDUC) course, not necessarily the same course, will be required to withdraw from the BEd program.

  • A student who has any combination of two W, RM, and F grades inclusive of all Field Experience courses will be required to withdraw from the BEd program.

  • A student can only be on academic probation once during their BEd program, with the exception of the Four-Year BEd program. If a student’s academic standing falls such that they would be on academic probation a second time during their BEd program, they will be required to withdraw from the BEd program.

  • Students required to withdraw will be advised in writing.

  • Five-Year Concurrent students who are required to withdraw from Education will be allowed to submit a Change of Program into another degree, but will have a “required to withdraw” indicator placed on their file noting that re-application to any other faculty must meet the standards outlined in Readmission After Unsatisfactory Academic Performance.

    Academic Turnaround Program

    Four-Year On-Campus pathway students may be given the opportunity to participate in the Academic Turnaround Program as stated in 3.3 Student Standing and Academic Review. 

    For full details about the Academic Turnaround Program students are referred to section B.18 Academic Turnaround Program (ATP) in the Academic Regulations section of this Calendar. 

    Four-Year On-Campus pathway students facing a Required to Withdraw ruling, who choose to participate in ATP, must abide by the following:

  • Students participating in ATP must consult with an Education Advisor to discuss planned courseload and selection, including impacts on duration of study as is detailed in Werklund School of Education 3.2.10 Duration of Study, prior to starting the program

  • To return to satisfactory academic standing, students must  achieve a GPA  of 2.50 or higher based on a minimum 18 units, completed since their last review

  • If a participating student achieves a GPA between 2.00 and 2.49 on a review of a minimum 18 units, they will remain on probation, but will be allowed to continue in non-Education courses for further review at the next academic review cycle.

  • If a participating student completes  fewer than the 18 units required for academic review, they will be permitted to continue on probation in non-Education courses until the next academic review

  • Students must complete 18 units within two academic years (24 months) of being placed on probation, with participation in ATP

  • Students permitted to take a year following participation in ATP to either boost their GPA to a 2.50, or meet the minimum 18 units required for review, must consult with an Education Advisor on course selection for the subsequent year

  • Students who do not complete 18 units within the two-year timeframe, or who achieve a GPA of less than 2.00 at their next eligible academic review after participation in ATP, will be required to withdraw  

  • Students must achieve a 2.50 GPA in order to proceed into an Education 400- or 500-level term at the review immediately preceding their 400- or 500-level year

  • Students participating in ATP cannot take EDUC 400- or 500-level courses

  • Students participating in ATP are eligible to take a Leave of Absence, as is detailed in Werklund School of Education 3.2.9 Leave of Absence 

    ATP is only available to Four-Year On-Campus students subject to Required to Withdraw for GPA reasons. It is not an option for students facing a Required to Withdraw ruling due to: 

  • Receiving two or more failing grades in any Education course

  • Receiving any combination of two W, RM, or F grades in Field Experience courses 

    Students in the Concurrent pathway should refer to their co-faculties regarding ATP options during their co-degree years. 

Reinstatement to Good Standing

Students on academic probation who have achieved a GPA of 2.50 or higher, calculated based on all courses taken since the student’s last academic review, will be reinstated to satisfactory academic standing.

Students who have successfully completed the course in which they received a failing grade, will be reinstated to satisfactory academic standing and may proceed to the next term, provided they have an academic review GPA of 2.50 or higher.

Readmission After Being Required to Withdraw

Students who have been required to withdraw from the Werklund School of Education, other Faculties at the University of Calgary or other post-secondary institutions may not apply for admission to the BEd program in the twelve-month period following their required withdrawal.

Admission to the BEd program after being required to withdraw is not guaranteed. Applicants must apply by the deadlines stated in the current Calendar, meet the current admission requirements of the BEd program and obtain express permission from the Associate Dean, Undergraduate Programs in Education before they can return to the program. In addition to the online admission application, students must write a letter to the Associate Dean requesting re-admission to the BEd program.

Students re-admitted after having been required to withdraw from the Werklund School of Education due to unsatisfactory academic performance are admitted on probation and must maintain a grade point average of at least 2.50 on all courses taken in each semester after re-admission. Failure to do so will result in permanent withdrawal from the Werklund School of Education.

Mitigating Circumstances

Students who would normally be required to withdraw on the basis of their academic performance or excessive withdrawals may instead be placed on academic probation, if they have experienced serious mitigating circumstances and can demonstrate that they have good prospects for future success. Students who believe that they fall into this category should provide written documentation to the Associate Dean, Undergraduate Programs as soon as possible, and no later than the end of the term.

Students in the Five-year Concurrent BEd, who are required to withdraw from the Education portion of their degree may be permitted to remain in their non-education degree through a change of program.

Voluntary Withdrawal from Program

Students must notify Undergraduate Programs in Education in writing of their intention to withdraw. After a voluntary withdrawal from the program, students will be required to re-apply for admission.


Students who have left the BEd program, for any reason, will need to re-apply for admission. Readmission is not guaranteed. Applicants must apply by the deadlines stated in the current Calendar, meet the current admission requirements of the BEd program and obtain express permission from the Associate Dean, Undergraduate Programs in Education before they can return to the program. Students seeking re-admission to the BEd program may need to retake some or all of their previously completed Education coursework, as determined by the Associate Dean, in order to meet program and certification requirements.

Newly admitted students who do not attend the term to which they were admitted must reapply for admission, and will be considered using the admission criteria in effect at the time of re-application.


The official grading system of the University of Calgary is given in the Academic Regulations section of this Calendar.

Flexible Grade Option (CG Grade)

The Werklund School of Education will allow students to pursue the Flexible Grade Option, as is detailed in F.1.3 Flexible Grade Option (CG Grade) with the following limitations: students may not utilize this option with the courses Education 456, 460, 535, and 571. Students pursuing the Concurrent program should refer to their co-faculties for CG regulations pertaining to their co-degree courses.

Back to 3. Werklund School of Education Regulations

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The University of Calgary, located in the heart of Southern Alberta, both acknowledges and pays tribute to the traditional territories of the peoples of Treaty 7, which include the Blackfoot Confederacy (comprised of the Siksika, the Piikani, and the Kainai First Nations), the Tsuut’ina First Nation, and the Stoney Nakoda (including Chiniki, Bearspaw, and Goodstoney First Nations). The City of Calgary is also home to the Métis Nation of Alberta (districts 5 and 6).

The University of Calgary is situated on land Northwest of where the Bow River meets the Elbow River, a site traditionally known as Moh’kins’tsis to the Blackfoot, Wîchîspa to the Stoney Nakoda, and Guts’ists’i to the Tsuut’ina. On this land and in this place we strive to learn together, walk together, and grow together “in a good way.”

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