A.5 Undergraduate Degree Admission Requirements

Admission to an undergraduate degree program may be obtained under one of the following categories:

  1. Canadian High School Admission

  2. International High School Admission

  3. Transferring from Another Post-secondary Institution

  4. Adult Student Admission

  5. Second Degree

  6. Indigenous Admissions

High School Admission Average: will be calculated using the five approved courses required for admission by the selected faculty (see section A.5.1.1 Undergraduate Admission Requirements or visit ucalgary.ca/future-students/undergraduate/apply). The University will determine the equivalent for applicants whose courses were completed outside of the Alberta secondary school system.

All grades, as reported by the reporting authority in the country, province or territory will be used, with or without a final examination.

  • Courses taken in Winter 2020 through Winter 2021 that were awarded a credit grade (or equivalent) will be used to meet the required courses for admission.

  • When a grade for a required course is not available at the 30 level, the 20 level course will be used in the final admission average calculation.

  • When a grade for a required course is not available at the 20 or 30 level, for early and standard admission, the admission average will be calculated based on the other required courses presented with a grade.

  • When a grade for a required course is not available at the 20 or 30 level, for final admission or finalizing an offer of admission, the admissions office will work with students on a case-by-case basis to provide alternate assessment information for consideration.

All applicants must demonstrate English language proficiency (refer to A.12 English Language Proficiency).

A.5.1 Canadian High School Students
A.5.2 International High School Admissions
A.5.3 Transferring from another Post-Secondary Institution
A.5.4 Adult Student Admission
A.5.5 Second-Degree Students
A.5.6 Indigenous Admissions

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