3.4 Haskayne School of Business - Student Standing
The official grading system of the University of Calgary is given in the Academic Regulations section of this Calendar.
The Haskayne School of Business will allow students to pursue the Flexible Grade Option (CG Grade) with exceptions. The following are not eligible for a CG grade, nor applicable towards degree completion when presented with a CG grade:
Any course which serves as the prerequisite for a concentration as listed under Concentrations (found under "BComm Graduation Requirements" on the Program Details tab.)
Any course or subject (or equivalent) which is required for graduation regardless of concentration, in the Bachelor of Commerce and Bachelor of Commerce (Honours) programs (found under "BComm Graduation Requirements" on the Program Details tab.)
Courses/units associated with a CG grade will not be included when determining eligibility towards academic honours and awards including, but not limited to, the Dean's List, Degree "With Distinction" or "First Class Honours", Beta Gamma Sigma, and Convocation Medals.
For more information refer to F.1.3 Flexible Grade Option (CG Grade).
Dean's List
The Dean's List recognizes outstanding academic performance while registered in the Haskayne School of Business. It is compiled twice yearly at the end of each of the Fall and Winter Terms. To qualify for inclusion, a Bachelor of Commerce student must achieve a grade point average of 3.70 or better on 15 units or more taken in either the Fall or Winter Term at the University of Calgary. Eligibility for those students registered in full-year courses spanning two terms will be determined at the end of the Winter Term. Students with fewer than 15 units of credit in a Fall or Winter Term are considered only if their term’s program of study has been assessed by Student Accessibility Services to be eligible for consideration. Students on disciplinary sanctions as outlined in the Student Academic Misconduct Policy are not eligible for the Dean’s List.
Degree "With Distinction" or "First Class Honours" upon Graduation
The notation “With Distinction” will be entered in the permanent record and on the graduation parchment of a student who successfully completes the Bachelor of Commerce (non-Honours) program with a grade point average of at least 3.60 over the last 90 units of the 120 units applicable to the degree. For a combined degree, the grade point average will be calculated over the last 90 units applicable to the combined degree. In cases in which the “last 90” must include some but not all of a group of courses taken concurrently, the selection will be made in the manner most advantageous to the student. A student who has taken part of their course work at another institution may be granted a degree “With Distinction” at the discretion of the business school.
The notation "First Class Honours" will be entered in place of "With Distinction" for a student who successfully completes the Bachelor of Commerce (Honours) program to the same standard.
Student Probation and Dismissal
Academic performance is assessed following the Winter Term in which 18 units or more are completed by the student at the University of Calgary since the previous Haskayne appraisal. All courses taken since the previous Haskayne appraisal will be included in the next subsequent review.
If fewer than 18 units have been completed since the previous Haskayne appraisal, the existing status is retained by the student until the next subsequent review.
For unconditional progress through the Bachelor of Commerce program students must earn a grade point average of no less than 2.00.
Students who earn a grade point average of less than 1.70 on 18 units or more taken since their previous Haskayne appraisal, will be required to withdraw from the business school.
Students who earn a grade point average of at least 1.70 but less than 2.00 on 18 units or more taken since their previous Haskayne appraisal, will be placed on probation for the next term in which they register.
Students who earn a grade point average of less than 2.00 on 18 units or more taken since their previous Haskayne appraisal and while on probation, will be required to withdraw from the business school. Students will be removed from probation by achieving a 2.00 or better grade point average on 18 units or more taken since they were placed on probation.
Students required to withdraw are referred to A.7 Required to Withdraw and Suspended Students and section 3.1 Admissions.
1. Notwithstanding the above regulations, students who unsuccessfully repeat a course that is required for graduation, as outlined earlier in 3.3 Course Work, "Repetition of Courses", will be denied further registration in the course and will not be permitted to complete their program in the business school.
2. Students are referred to section F. Academic Standing in the Academic Regulations section of this Calendar for additional University regulations including the maximum number of probationary periods permitted while registered as undergraduates.
Progression Requirements for BComm Honours
BComm (Honours) students are subject to the same progression requirements already in place for all BComm students. In addition, academic performance is assessed each year at the end of the Winter term to determine eligibility to continue in Honours. A minimum grade point average of 3.30 over all courses completed since the last Honours assessment is required for continuation in the program.
Students may opt out of the BComm (Honours) program at any time and complete the regular BComm program.
Academic Turnaround Program (ATP)
The Academic Turnaround Program (ATP) provides eligible Bachelor of Commerce students currently enrolled but facing a first requirement to withdraw for academic reasons with the opportunity to continue their studies on probation with enhanced academic support. General program details and conditions are found in the Academic Regulations B.18 Academic Turnaround Program (ATP) of this Calendar.
Students who have successfully completed 18 units or more with a cumulative GPA of 2.00 or higher since being placed on probation will have the probation cleared at the next subsequent winter review, and will be considered to be in good academic standing in the business school. Those meeting this GPA, but with unsuccessful repetition of a required course, will clear probation but will be denied further registration in the course and will not be permitted to complete their program in the business school. Those with a GPA below 2.00 will be required to withdraw.
A minimum of 18 units must be completed within two years of being placed on probation.
Indigenous Pathway Student Standing and Review
Students in the Indigenous Pathway who do not achieve a "C-" in any bridging course will be required to meet with the Haskayne School of Business Program Specialist for pathway advising to develop a plan for success that includes relevant supports for retaking and achieving a "C-" in the foundation course(s) for continuation in the Pathway.
Students must achieve a "C-" in their second attempt at any foundation course to retain their offer of guaranteed admission unless approval is obtained from the Associate Dean for a third attempt.