P.2.3 Graduate Course-based Tuition

Students in most course-based graduate programs are assessed tuition per unit based on the approved course fee rate group for the program. In Graduate Studies, the program of study to which a course is allocated determines the course fee rate group for that course. Students can refer to program-specific regulations or search Courses, filtering by fee rate group, to help ascertain which course belongs to which program when exploring registration in a course outside of their specific program of admission.

Tuition is assessed based on the level of the course; therefore, undergraduate students taking a graduate-level course will pay the graduate course fee rate. Graduate students taking an undergraduate-level course will pay the undergraduate course fee rate.

Some programs have term-based program-specific tuition and fees in addition to tuition assessed on a per course basis. Refer to P.2.4 Graduate Program-Specific Tuition and Fees.

P.2.3.1 Graduate Course-based Tuition
P.2.3.2 Graduate Course-based Retained Tuition Rate Groups

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