3.1.1 Werklund School of Education - Four-Year BEd Program
Students wishing to enter the Four-Year Bachelor of Education degree program (either the on-campus or the Community-Based pathways) must meet minimum admission requirements as set out in A.5 in the Admissions section of this Calendar.
The on-campus pathway of this program begins in the Fall Term and has only one intake per year.
The Community-Based pathway of this program begins in the Summer Term and has only one intake per year; it is a blended delivery mode of instruction and is intended for students who live in rural and remote locations – see 3.1.4 for geographic eligibility.
Enrolment in the Werklund School of Education is limited and students will be admitted on a competitive basis. Meeting the minimum requirements does not guarantee admission to the Werklund School of Education.
Transfer to the Four-Year BEd Program
Students transferring from other faculties and institutions must meet the deadlines and competitive admission requirements in place for the program to which they are applying. For more information refer to A.5 in the Admissions section of this Calendar.
Students who have received one or more approved undergraduate degrees (BA, BSc, etc.) may apply for admission to the Two-Year BEd (After-Degree) Program. Degree holders are not eligible for admission to the Four-Year BEd. For more information regarding admission to a second undergraduate degree, refer to A.5.5 in Admissions.
To qualify for a degree, a transfer student must successfully complete all required Education (EDUC) courses while registered in the Werklund School of Education.
It is required that all Four-Year students complete Education 201 at the University of Calgary prior to entering their first semester of 400-level Education courses.
Bridging to the Community-Based Bachelor of Education
The Bridging to Community-Based Bachelor of Education pathway provides students that do not meet the admission requirement of English Language Arts 30-1, or do not meet the competitive average for admission into the Four-Year Bachelor of Education Community-Based Program, the opportunity to upgrade. Priority will be given to students who reside in a rural or remote location.
Students must apply for the Four-Year Bachelor of Education Community-Based program, and meet all other admission requirements. Students solely deficient English 30-1 and/or not meeting the competitive average requirement will be considered for the Bridging pathway. Students must present a 65 per cent average, or 2.00 GPA. Refer to A.4 for general admissions procedures.
Course Requirements
The Bridging program consists of seven courses, including one non-credit course, and 18 units of credit courses, as follows:
Education 101 (non-credit)
Education 205
Education 207
Education 209
Education 211
Education 213
Education 215
Of these six 200-level courses, five may be used towards the Four-Year Community-Based pathway’s elective requirements.
In order to successfully progress into the Four-Year Community-Based pathway, students must complete all required courses as they are offered. Students must obtain a grade of "B-" in Education 101, as well as an overall GPA of 2.50 across all 200-level Education courses. Progression into the Four-Year Community-Based pathway must occur at the end of the year in which they have successfully met all requirements, and cannot be postponed. During the duration of the Bridging program, students may not engage in any other coursework.
Students who are unsuccessful in any Bridging course will be given one further attempt at the course(s), per 3.2.6. A second unsuccessful attempt will result in the student being required to withdraw from the program.
Students will be discontinued from the Bridging program if:
They do not meet the progression requirements to move into the Four-Year Community-Based pathway
Do not immediately progress into the Four-Year Community-Based pathway at the end of the year in which they have successfully met all requirements.
To return to the program, re-application is necessary.