3.2 Faculty of Social Work - Undergraduate Registration
Courses in the Blended BSW are a combination of on campus and online delivery. On campus courses in Calgary, Edmonton or Lethbridge are offered weekly in three-hour blocks and the online courses are a mix of real-time lectures at scheduled times and independent learning completed on the student’s own schedule.
Courses in the Online BSW are taught entirely online. Online courses are a combination of scheduled real-time classes and independent learning completed on the student’s own schedule.
Students in both programs are required to have reliable internet and access to a computer. Email is routinely used to distribute course, program and faculty specific information to students. A University of Calgary email account is required.
3.2.1 Course Load and Sequence
3.2.2 Responsibility for Accuracy of Registration and Program Progression
3.2.3 Transfer Credit From Other Institutions
3.2.5 Letters of Permission (LOP)