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3.5 Faculty of Science - Course Selection and Registration

A. Accuracy of Registration

Students are responsible for ensuring that their annual course selections are in accord with all Calendar requirements, including the completion of prerequisite courses with a satisfactory grade and registration in corequisite courses as appropriate. If registration in any course(s) is contrary to regulations, the Faculty may cancel such registration any time after the beginning of the term. Registration at all times must be appropriate to the degree program being followed. Students with wholly inappropriate course selections in their registration may have their registration cancelled by the Associate Dean (Undergraduate), or designate. Students should seek advice from that Associate Dean, the staff of the Undergraduate Science Centre, or from the Department or Program concerned.

Students are responsible for ensuring that they meet degree and program requirements. While the Undergraduate Science Centre endeavours to assist all students as they proceed in the various programs, a final and thorough check is not done until application for graduation. Any departure from standard requirements must receive prior authorization in writing from the Associate Dean (Undergraduate), or designate. It is strongly recommended that students consult with the Associate Dean before submitting their final registration.

First-year students in the Faculty of Science who wish to register in senior courses should be aware that in addition to stated prerequisites, senior courses offered by other faculties often require completion of 18 units at the junior level.

Students must be admitted to a program before they will be allowed to register in more than 36 units from the Department offering that program or in any group of courses required for that program.

First-year students should visit the Enrolment Services website ( for registration details from the Office of the Registrar.

B. Introductory Courses for Science Degree Programs

All programs have introductory course requirements. Since these courses are often the prerequisites for more advanced courses, students are advised to take the introductory courses in the manner depicted in the Program Guides. By so doing, students make it possible to complete their programs in a timely fashion.

C. Prerequisites

A student may not register in a course unless a grade of at least "C-" has been obtained in each prerequisite course. It is the responsibility of students to ensure that they meet all prerequisite requirements. Students who do not meet the exact prerequisites/corequisites of a course will have their registrations cancelled by the Faculty prior to the drop deadline for that term.

D. Withdrawal from Courses

Students will not be permitted to withdraw more than once from the same course. For more information on Requesting an Extenuating Circumstance Withdrawal (EW): Registration Changes and Exemption Requests | Office of the Registrar | University of Calgary (

Students may be required to withdraw from the Faculty of Science if they have accumulated a total of more than 30 units withdrawals while in attendance at the University of Calgary.

Students could jeopardize their programs by withdrawing from courses and should be aware of all potentially adverse consequences of such actions. If after having sought out and weighed all the information, a student still decides to proceed, withdrawal from a course must be done before the deadline specified in the Academic Schedule.

E. Repetition of Courses

A student will be permitted to repeat a particular course only once. Permission for an additional attempt must be obtained from the Faculty of Science and may only be granted for required courses within the current degree program. Third attempts may not be done through another institution.

This regulation applies not only to individual courses, but also to sets of courses where it is stated that credit for more than one of the sets is not allowed. For example, a student may not take Mathematics 265 twice and then attempt Mathematics 249 without special permission.

F. Course Load

While five courses taken concurrently represent a full load, some programs prescribe additional courses. Students may elect to take up to six courses in a term, but an extra course represents a substantial burden and may adversely affect overall performance. Undergraduates may register in 600-level courses only with the permission of the Department offering the course and the Associate Dean (Undergraduate).

G. Stop-outs

Students who stop-out (do not register in University of Calgary courses) will be able to return to their studies within 12 months by registering in courses through their Student Centre. See section B.12 Residency Requirements, Letters of Permission and Leaves of Absence for more information.

Students who stop-out for a 12-month period or more, without an approved Leave of Absence, will be required to apply for admission and comply with any regulations and curriculum changes that may have come into effect during their absence (see A.5 Undergraduate Degree Admission Requirements). In exceptional circumstances, the Faculty may grant an exception to this.

Students who are unable to follow their curriculum plan should contact Undergraduate Advising Centre to discuss their options.

H. Opportunities to Take Courses at Another Institution for Transfer of Credit - Letters of Permission (LOP)

Students must have an approved Letter of Permission (LOP) to register in courses at another post-secondary institution while enrolled in a degree program at the University of Calgary. Taking courses at another post-secondary institution without a Letter of Permission may result in a denial of transfer credit or in some circumstances a required to withdraw ruling.

Students in good standing can request Letters of Permission through their online Student Centre. Students with poor academic performance, such as being on probation or having a large number of withdrawals or multiple course attempts, may not be granted a Letter of Permission.

Students should check with an advisor in the Undergraduate Science Centre to ensure that courses taken elsewhere will receive transfer credit and that such transfer credit will advance their program. Students can also review the Transfer Credit Search Tool

Students must apply for the Letter of Permission before registering at another institution. Once the course is completed, students must arrange for an official transcript to be sent to the Admissions Office in order to have transfer credit recorded.

Grades for transfer courses are not included in the GPA calculation used in the annual academic review or the calculation of the Dean’s List.

For more information see section B.12 Residency Requirements, Letters of Permission and Leaves of Absence.

Back to 3. Faculty of Science Regulations

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The University of Calgary, located in the heart of Southern Alberta, both acknowledges and pays tribute to the traditional territories of the peoples of Treaty 7, which include the Blackfoot Confederacy (comprised of the Siksika, the Piikani, and the Kainai First Nations), the Tsuut’ina First Nation, and the Stoney Nakoda (including Chiniki, Bearspaw, and Goodstoney First Nations). The City of Calgary is also home to the Métis Nation of Alberta (districts 5 and 6).

The University of Calgary is situated on land Northwest of where the Bow River meets the Elbow River, a site traditionally known as Moh’kins’tsis to the Blackfoot, Wîchîspa to the Stoney Nakoda, and Guts’ists’i to the Tsuut’ina. On this land and in this place we strive to learn together, walk together, and grow together “in a good way.”

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